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a directory of dog trainers around the world


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Central Coast Dog Trainers: Off-Leash K9 Training

Off-Leash K9 Training, LLC is a top 10 dog training company in the world. We offer Board&Trains, puppy training, in-home and basic lessons & much more!

Off-Leash K9 Training, LLC is a top 10 dog training company in the world. We offer Board&Trains, puppy training, in-home and basic lessons & much more!

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Nebraska Dog Trainers

Nebraska Dog Trainers offers private lessons, dog behavior consultations, therapy dog training and a board & train program in the Omaha/Lincoln, NE areas. We create strong bonds between the owner and dog without the restriction of a leash.

Nebraska Dog Trainers offers private lessons, dog behavior consultations, therapy dog training and a board & train program in the Omaha/Lincoln, NE areas. We create strong bonds between the owner and dog without the restriction of a leash.

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Ty the Dog Guy

I'm Ty and together with my team we help dogs overcome their behavior problems and live happier lives.

Ty Brown, Celebrity Dog Trainer Welcome. Thanks for coming to my facebook page. My name is Ty Brown. I have been involved with dogs and dog training since I was 14 years old. I had begged my parents for years to get a dog. I was placated (unsuccessfully) with other pets like rabbits, fish, and cats. I was finally allowed to get a dog. We adopted our first dog ‘Heidi’ when I was fourteen. I immediately went to the library and devoured every dog training book they had available. It was tough. Every book disagreed with the others and the authors didn’t do a great job explaining the ‘why’ behind training each behavior. The typical dog training book would give basic mechanical directions to dog training but wouldn’t delve into dog behavior which would explain why the dog would commit the improper behavior in the first place and why the proposed solution would work. I labored hard and got few results. Around this time I wanted to get more experience working with animals. Veterinary offices and kennels wouldn’t hire me because I was only fourteen. I ran across a dog trainer in the local classifieds and gave him a call. This dog trainer felt the desire to help me out. He, too, had received the kind help of dog training professionals at a young age. Lucky for me he was an amazing trainer who was able to achieve incredible results with every dog he touched. He trained me well and soon would allow me to handle some of his group obedience training. It was an amazing feeling to lead a group of adults at the age of fifteen. I continued working with dogs from that time on. I spent the last several years working with high level executive protection dogs. These are dogs that are trained to not only be wonderful family pets, but potent guardians if called upon. These dogs I trained literally had the highest training available anywhere in the world. They were trained in on and off leash obedience, trained for perfect manners, trained to show aggression on command, bite on command, protect an imaginary perimeter around their handler, protect a valuable object such as a briefcase, search a home for an intruder, remain with a child and show aggression to strangers in order to fend off a possible kidnapping, and many more functions. This was incredibly rewarding training and was in high demand. I personally traveled the world training these dogs. I have trained everywhere from California to Canada. From South Carolina to Spain. All in all I have been commissioned to train dogs in 18 states in the U.S. and 4 other countries worldwide. I trained dogs for NBA players, NFL players, professional golfers, singers, wrestlers, CEO’s, governors, billionaires, and entrepreneurs. These high profile dog owners have spent tens of thousands of dollars on these high trained dogs and count them as some of their best investments. I currently own and operate CommuniCanine Inc. one of Utah’s premiere dog training companies where I assist owners in learning how to communicate properly with their dogs. Through all of my training I have come to the realization that there is not enough information out there for the average dog owner to tackle dog behavior problems and obedience train their own dogs in their homes. Together with other dog training professionals and friends I have designed this website with the sole purpose of bringing the best and finest dog training resources available anywhere. Good luck and good training.

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MIG Animal photo&training

Fotografía Profesional de mascotas y Adiestramiento Canino Whatsapp: +569 9 438 7172

Somos una empresa dedicada a la fotografía de mascotas junto a sus amos! (pioneros en Chile) También ofrecemos el servicio de adiestramiento canino para aquellos que necesitan ayuda o sólo desean aprender a entrenar a sus perros. Con esto, el vínculo perro-humano crecerá y se fortalecerá. Contáctanos! no te arrepentirás! Whatsapp: +569 9 438 7172 Fotografías: Todo Santiago (todas las comunas) Adiestramiento: Peñaflor - Padre Hurtado -Talagante - C. de Tango

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La universidad para tu perro.

UCAPSA cuenta con 30 años de experiencia, mateniendose a la vanguardia en el adiestramiento canino y problemas de comportamiento.

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This Able Veteran provides Service Dogs for Injured Veterans and Service Dogs for PTSD Veterans AT NO CHARGE. provides service dogs for veterans suffering from PTSD. This Able Veteran (TAV) is 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization providing trained service dogs for our wounded Veterans; Pioneered nightmare interruption and anxiety alerts by PTSD service dogs; Pioneered the development of an essential Trauma Resiliency Program to complement the skills of the service dogs; Developed a PTSD Service Dog Academy to train professional dog trainers in our methods; Launched a study with Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Anxiety, Behavior, and Cognition Research Lab to study the long term efficacy of our PTSD service dogs and the Trauma Resiliency Program

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South Florida Dog Trainer - Off Leash K9 Training

Providing the best off leash dog training in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Wellington, Boca Raton and surrounding areas!

Off Leash K9 Training is an off-leash dog training business teaching 100% obedience to dogs of all breeds, sizes, and ages. We specialize in private lessons, dog behavior consultations, and teaching owners to understand why their dogs do the things they do in order to create a strong bond between the owner and dog. We thrive off of seeing the joy in both the dog’s and the owner’s faces when they have mastered a new command without the restriction of a leash. By the end of our training, your dog will be trained to have the same level of obedience as most police/military working dogs. Contact us today to get started!

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Off Leash K9 Training - Knoxville TN

100% Amazing Obedience - 100% Guaranteed!

Off Leash K9 is very excited to bring Professional Dog Training to the Knoxville, Sevierville, and Chattanooga areas. If your dog exhibits any the following, then we can help you. Won’t come when you call him Chews on things that he shouldn’t People aggression Dog aggression Won’t mind you when you tell him to do something (sit, down, etc) Jumps on people/counters Drags you down the street on the leash OR, if you have EVER thought about giving your dog back to the place where you got him……. What We Do: Off Leash K9 trains regular household dogs to have the same level of obedience as dogs in the military and law enforcement. You have seen dogs that can walk with their owners down the street and be well behaved in stores, outdoor seating restaurants, and public places. How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish my dog could behave in public like this?” How We Do It: Off Leash K9 conducts personalized one-on-one private obedience lessons with owners and dogs, utilizing marker and e-collar (NOT shock collars) training for obedience. We additionally do dog behavior consultations and teach owners to understand why the dog is doing what she does. We also provide the owners with the tools to remediate the unwanted behaviors and bring the dog back into becoming the productive member of the family that he was always meant to be. This training can literally save dogs’ lives! Let’s face it. Most people incorporate their dog into their life. The dog IS your family. The way your dog acts can make your life a dream…..or a nightmare. You send your child to school……why wouldn’t you send your dog to school to learn good behavior? Regardless of Breed, Size, Shape or Age, most dogs can be trained to have AMAZING obedience!

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Federación Canina de Costa Rica ACAN

Somos la Federación Canina de Costa Rica ACAN, primer Federación debidamente inscrita en la República de Costa Rica, con cédula jurídica 3-002-728864.

Somos la unión de varias asociaciones con fines comunes, que decidieron unirse en objetivos en común y fundar le máximo ente de los perros en territorio nacional, siendo la Federación Canina de CR, la única y por ende la primer Federación debidamente inscrita en territorio nacional que se dedica a temas caninos.

Para el Desarrollo de sus fines, la asociación utilizará como medios: coaliciones, alianzas, convenios de cooperación, con personas física y jurídicas, así mismo dictará los reglamentos internos sobre: Exposiciones, Inscripción de Criaderos, Reporte de Camadas, Identificación-Registro y Crianza de individuos [Perros], Juzgamientos e inscripción de Jueces; así mismo como el establecimiento de Comisiones: Estándares, Científica, Jurídica, entre otras. Igualmente se pueden establecer para el logro de los fines, filiales en el territorio nacional. Adicionalmente se recurrirá a La dirección técnica necesaria para dirigir a todos los asociados criadores de razas puras caninas y áreas de acción en canofilia como trabajo, asistencia y belleza. B) La orientación profesional de Médicos Veterinarios y de Ingenieros Zootecnistas, necesaria dentro de las finalidades de la asociación;

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Dresse Monchien

Centre de formation educateur canin situé dans le VAR 83 spécialiste des chiens agressifs, ayant déja mordu, craintif, dit dangereux, évaluer en niveau 4, demande de castration par la méthode de la communication salivaire et unique

Sauvez les chiens de l'euthanasie quand c'est possible! éduquer votre chien avec un savoir faire unique

Eric Tramson éducateur et formateur canin est un éducateur canin et formateur canin diplômé d'Etat, dresseur de chien pour le cinéma, entre de formation canin vu à la télévision, la publicité, les professionnels de la sécurité sans oublier tous les propriétaires de chien, molosse, agressif, ou pour une simple éducation canine. eric tramson vous propose des formations pour devenir éducateur canin diplômé et possibilité de franchise ABANDON DE CHIEN: SAUVETAGE CHIEN MAX PREVU A EUTHANASIE EMPOISONNEMENT DE HOMMAGE BENEVOLE REFUGE: MALTRAITANCE SAUVETAGE CHIOT PREVU EUTHANASIE REFUGE SPA FLAYOSC 83: // bonjour bonsoir, qui ne serais pas toucher en regardant tous les lives de cette histoire et de ce mouvement de solidarité incroyable sur le web depuis 2 jours sans qu'aucun médiasy compris tous les sites des réseaux sociaux ne partagent pas alors que le motif d'Aide humanitaire (dignité) et cause animale réunie sont réunies. J'ai besoin d'un logement c'est cote d'Azur Habitat qui gère mon dossier depuis plus de 7 ans. Moi et mon maître on ne veux plus dormir dans la rue. Mon maitre ne m'a jamais abandonné et cote d'azur habitait visiblement s'en fou de nous car plusieurs personnes appellent depuis ce matin et botte en touche avec délicatesse. Moi Django remercie toute la communauté, le vétérinaire pour mon opération et vous souhaite de passer une bonne journée, je compte sur vous pour appeler Nice matin 04 97 03 24 50,France 3 antibes 04 92 91 72 00 mais aussi la Mairie de Nice le secrétariat de madame sassone estrosi 04 97 13 20 00, je viens de voir que mes sauveurs viennent de dépasser les 33 000 fans wouf wouf encore à 40 000 prochain live en slip Témoignage de Matthieu: Revoir mon histoire c'est en live: mes dernières nouvelles Soutien de MacDO de la Trinité: Soutien de Carrefour de Trans en Provence:… Cabinet Vétérinaire des Pignes : Opération bénévole pour moi Pourquoi tout le monde se mobilise pour nous depuis le 27 novembre 2017?

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Albany / Saratoga Dog Trainers: Off Leash K9 Training

We are excited to bring our military/police precision obedience training to the Albany/Saratoga area of New York!

I would HIGHLY encourage you to check out our YouTube link below, there are over 700+ videos of dogs we have trained on YouTube so you can see the amazing results we get verse us just tell you about it! :-) What separates us from other dog trainers in the area is we do not only teach your dog commands, we give you an off leash dog that responds with military/law enforcement K9 speed and precision. We have experience working with dogs from numerous military and law enforcement agencies, and we train your dog the same way that we train theirs. Also, our lessons are all private, which means you and your dog gets our undivided attention. As I always say, "I have NEVER seen a dog that impressed me in obedience that came from a group class."

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The 1 Dog Trainer Academy

We are a dog training company, we specialize in basic and advance obedience, protection and services dog training.

Making everyone's dog be "The 1 Dog" that people talk about and wish they had.

The 1 Dog Trainer Academy has been training dogs since 2001 as a professional dog training. We are licensed and insured, Professional member of the APDT, longstanding AKC evaluator, Certified Service dog trainer with PSD Registry. We offer a wide variety of options from puppy raising, puppy training, basic & advance obedience, certified service dog training professional protection training (to qualified dogs). We specialize in the sale of professionally trained dogs from 3 levels of obedience, certified service animal, kid and animal friendly personal protection dogs. All dogs raised and trained at our academy live in our home not a kennel. This allows us to ensure all dogs are trained and have proper manners inside and outside the home. All of our training methods are positive reinforcement allowing our cadets to be happy members of our pack and yours!

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Εκπαίδευση σκύλων

Μία ενημερωτική εκπαιδευτική σελίδα για τους σκύλους μας και για την επίλυση αποριών σας, ώστε να βελτιώνεται η συνύπαρξη μαζί τους.

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Kynagon Dog Trainers Academy

kynagon Dog Trainers Academy, Σχολή Εκπαιδευτών Συμπεριφοριστων Σκύλων -Εκπαίδευση Σκύλων, Agility, Canine Frisbee, Σεμινάρια, Ξενοδοχείο σκύλων.

Σχολή Εκπαίδευσης Σκύλων και Ακαδημία Εκπαιδευτών Σκύλων

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