C3 K9 Solutions

We go above and beyond your typical "dog trainer". We focus on everything that's necessary for your dog to live a truly fulfilled and enriched lifestyle. Check us out at www.c3k9.com, or shoot a message for more information!

The mission of this company lies deeper than what meets the eye. We want to educate people about how the relationship is ultimately what makes/breaks a dog's training and success--not mere tools themselves. We want dogs to perform behaviors because they understand them, and because they have a positive association with performing them; but at the same time, we don't like to see dogs only listen when food is involved. We want dogs to stop engaging in poor/dangerous behaviors because it's no longer productive or reinforcing, but we don't want them to comply out of fear. We don't want our clients to constantly haggle and barter with their dogs to get them to listen. We don't just use what methods/tools 'work', we use what makes sense to the dog, and use it to better the relationship with the owner--and vise versa.

Our specialty and emphasis is Training and behavioral rehabilitation. We want to create permanent changes with the dogs in our care by influencing them to think, rather than be bribed by food, or intimidated by correction. We achive our goals by addressing problems at the roots: The relationship. We also offer grooming services, nutritional consultations, and dog sitting/walking. Are you ready to have the life you've always dreamed of with your dog? If so, we're ready to provide the solutions!

Syracuse, NY 13209
United States

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