Seprocan Los Cabos Professional Dog Training

The Only Certified Dog Trainer in Cabo, by:
United States Department of State (DoS)
- Detection Dogs 2015/02/FDPUS/MX/1
- K9 Tactical Combat Casualty Care USCDA-CTM-2016-000110
Asociación Táctica de Operadores Latinoamericanos (ATOLA)
- Swat k9 N1

SEPROCAN Los Cabos is an ethologies and dog trainers group, highly professional with over than 30 years experience in dog behavior studies and dog education and training.

SEPROCAN Los Cabos Provides K9 professional dog training and consulting services where the owner is guided and the dog is educated based on the personality and behavior, taking into account the specific needs of the family and social environment. Positive (emotional) and self-perception canine training techniques are used.

We underestimate highly the use of CLICKER and THREATS. These create a bad habit and behavior on handler and pet, which is very hard to quit. However, in exceptional cases we do a special research to the possible use of this kind of negative training with Clicker or Threats, as initial way, to follow up a positive training and then eliminate the use of this kind of ADICTIVES on dog and allow a long life education.

In SEPROCAN we never ask your doggie retaining in facilities unaware its environment. Your dog training objective for SEPROCAN Los Cabos it is to provide the educative basis to allow your pet a fully and happiest integration to family core, social-human and social-animal. That is the reason because we underestimate the social exclusion of your doggie while he is on training or consulting.

SEPROCAN on deep:

Seguridad y Protección Canina (SEPROCAN) was stablished in 1983, in Mexico City, as a part of first dog trainers group in Mexico. On its long history, SEPROCAN has been a dog training services provider and dogs trained for governmental class, Mexican army, federal police, customs, as well has been provider of K9 dogs trained to DoS US, as tracking dogs and green dogs.

SEPROCAN is a professional and very exclusive team with international standing, which objective is to obtain the best quality on K9 dog training, as well for security as for home.


In Cabo, SEPROCAN seeks the complete social integration to its environment, as well human level, as animal, improving a Fully Cabo Pet Friendly. #WholeCaboPetFriendly

Paseo Finisterra S/N
San José del Cabo, 23443

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