Blue Water Boston Terrier

We Offer Family's Quality & Healthy "BWBT" Puppies With Substance.
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Blue Water Boston Terrier Strive For Breed Improvement!

Before using our boston terriers in our breeding program, we closely evaluate them and make sure that they meet and exceed the breed standards. You will never see us breeding boston terriers based on the color of it’s coat. Today there are many breeders out there that will focus their breeding goals on color and producing rare or uncommon colors. But here we feel that to produce a healthy boston terrier that is correct in conformation and functionally healthy, you cannot focus on coat color. Thus we do not put together breedings to try and achieve a rare color, but rather we focus on the health and structure of the boston terriers. Not to say that boston terriers with “rare colors “are not breeding quality, many have good conformation however color should never be the top priority when producing a litter. If we do breed to a colored boston terrier, it’s only because they meet our requirements in temperament, health and conformation. If a dog does not meet our standards/criteria, we will have it spayed or neutered and although it may still be our boston terrier pet, it will be eliminated from the blue water’s breeding program and thus preventing that dog from reproducing undesirable traits to future generations

Take your time to look closely at the champagne Boston Terriers pictures here at Blue Water Boston Terrier. Notice that as a reputable Colored Boston Terrier Breeder, I have endeavored to provide allot of pictures of each Boston Terrier Adult & Puppy. Examine them carefully, I am sure when you compare, you will agree as many others have, that Blue Water Boston carry the Finest American Gentleman Colored Boston Terriers on the planet.

Port Huron, MI 48060
United States

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