Jimdo Pet Services - Clicker Training / Fun Tricks 響片訓練 / 有趣動作學習

Fun, happy, fulfilling and loving pet clicker training services

Perfect exercise for dogs / cats of all ages

Clicker Training for dogs
About Clicker Training:
- for fun
- mental exercise / problem solving skills
- help drain your dog's energy / relaxation
- let your dog sometimes 'work for his meal' rather than just passively wait and eat
- build up bonding
- better communication
(Courses Taken: Dog Trainer Foundations (Karen Pryor Academy)
(Feel free to contact if you have any inquiries)

$200 per session

響片訓練有多種"功能", 可以是:
- 遊戲
- 腦力運動 / Problem solving skills
- 清耗體力 (狗狗要非常集中精神) / 舒緩壓力
- 讓狗狗間中以"工作"換取糧食, 增加進食樂趣
- 可以幫助主人與狗狗溝通


Tseung Kwan O
Tseung Kwan O,
Hong Kong

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