Companion Animal Federation CAF 動物伴我行會社孤兒院專頁

Companion Animal Federation CAF 動物伴我行會社
whatsapp : 852.9717 0570 email

Wopehland Opening Hours 14:30-17:00

Mission of CAF Animal Welfare work :

Rescuing injured/abandoned/sick animals facing immediate death threat.

Establishing and operating an nonprofit animal orphanage named the Wopehland.

Catching Stray animals and arranging spay and neuter operation for them.

Providing CAF hotline service on advice and information animal ownership issue, animal behavior issue and animal disease issue.

Arranging seminars for schools, community centers and club houses to promote public awareness on welfare of abandoned animals

CAF 主要服務範圍包括:

• 拯救被虐待或受傷的伴侶寵物及給予適當照顧

• 為被遺棄的動物安排領養服務
• 營運CAF 動物孤兒院
• 提供動物諮詢熱線,提供正確 有關動物病患、行為和心理專業意見
• 定時開放給市民參觀及團體探訪
• 於學校,屋苑及社區團體舉辦講座

Companion Animal Federation Ltd is a non profit organisation, supported by a group of volunteers, funded by donations from the local community, who rescue stray, abandoned, sick & injured dogs and provide them with medical care and rehabilitation. We provide biter dog training and animal sanctuary for senior unwanted dogs. Our aim is to find these animals a permament home.
Please donate to Hang Seng Bank : 795-048891-882
Paypal : Companion Animal Federation Ltd

Fanling, hong kong
Hong Kong

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