Sawyers Dog House, LLC

At Sawyer’s Dog House we have only the best interest for your pet in mind. We specialize in behavior, holistic dog food, and constructive socialization.

I am a local dog psychology and behavior expert. I grew up in Highland Park and love how beautiful the landscape is. Our pack has endless routes to walk and hundreds of adventures to embark on.
As Highland Park's only dog whisperer, I provide a slightly different service than the rest. I find most of the local trainers to be excellent at what they do, and I recommend doing your research when searching for training help, because not every style of training or trainer works for each handler and their pet.
My techniques only work if you are committed to your pet and willing to spend whatever time you have to change. Our pets are direct reflections of ourselves, when you hire me be prepared to learn just as much about yourself as you do about your dog. I will help you understand how to communicate directly to your pets instinctual side, you will get tools to positively reinforce good behaviors, and you will have a deeper understanding of what your dog needs to be fulfilled - therefore happy.
Most importantly, a good pack leader is always in control of their environment, they are actively engaged with their dog on walks, while at parks or in public, and they know how to stay calm and assertive. This is a learning experience for both human and dog... please be patient your dog will only grow as much you do!!!
Visit my website to learn more about what services I offer

1790 Deerfield Rd
Highland Park, IL 60035
United States

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